Is it better to buy a truck & slowly pay off the loans? (OR) To lease the commercial truck with the benefits of maintenance & fleet management services?
Finally, commercial taxes are the critical expenses that everyone should consider. When you purchase a truck, you may deduct the interest of the loan. However, with leasing you can deduct the entire cost of every leased month from your business tax. This helps you to lower the burden of your overall business taxes.
Thus, Commerical truck leasing is considered as a deductible business operating expense. In this way, commercial truck leasing could save you from ahuge portion of your monthly expenses.
When it comes to commercial truck leasing, flexibility is one of the most valuable assets you’re going to enjoy. Leasing a truck is an excellent way to reduce the upfront costs.
Lease agreements and truck leasing prices will vary from one fleet vehicle company to another. But, remember to do proper research to find the best deal to save your money & have the highest return on investment possible!
Fraikin is a leading commercial and vehicle leasing company in Saudi Arabia. If you are looking for any vehicle rental or truck leasing, contact us.