“Raja Rani” is an exquisite Punjabi song that showcases the brilliant vocals of both Ninja and Nikkesha. The song features a captivating musical arrangement by Kartik Dev and Gaurav Dev, perfectly complementing the heartfelt lyrics penned by the talented Sarab Ghumaan. The music video, thoughtfully directed by Dilsher Singh and Khushpal Singh, visually enhances the emotional depth of the track. “Raja Rani” exudes a delightful blend of love and melody, resonating with the hearts of its listeners. Ninja and Nikkesha’s expressive singing, combined with the exceptional music composition, create an enchanting and unforgettable musical experience. This exceptional track is a must-listen for Punjabi music enthusiasts and fans of Ninja and Nikkesha. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of “Raja Rani” and let its melodies serenade your soul.